Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going Green

So I've been having this hankerin' to work with seeds and plants. I haven't put my hands in the dirt for a long time now and I miss it. It's a love/hate relationship i have with gardening. I love to buy plants, watch them grow and sometimes reap the benefits of their fruit or flowers. I hate to take care of plants - like watering. It's simple and yet I can't find the motivation to do it. So I had to come up with a system of gardening that I call Lazy Gardening. If it needs massive amounts of ain't gonna happen. If it's delicate and needs special soil that isn't already ain't gonna happen. I want to plant it and let it fend for itself. That's my style. If it survives the heat and drought of South Texas, then we have a winner. Survival of the fittest. Soooo, the cactus is my friend and tomatoes are too.

This desire to plant has taken me on an internet research frenzy for artists working with plants or in the urban landscape. And this is what I've found so far...
MOSS GRAFFITI - which i am super excited to try if only i can find that missing piece from my blender...
VERTICAL GARDENS - if only i knew a botanist to collaborate with...

I found another artist who creates these miniature landscapes in public spaces. They are so tiny, only if you were really paying attention to your surroundings would you see them. Link to her website coming soon...

So we'll see what kind of green art i can come up this summer. I'm thinking a Virgin Mary portrait made of grass on some public space would go over well...